Artist : Sylvain POUILLART
Sound Design : Aleksi AUBRY-CARLSON
Location : Historial of the Great War

City / Country : Péronne, France
Production background : Production as a part of the Video Mapping Festival 2021
Production : Rencontres Audiovisuelles
Production year : 2021
Screening dates : From June to December 2021
Type : Object video mapping / Indoor / Immersive / Covering / Linear / Ephemeral

Video mapping created as part of a research project around video mapping as a mediation tool.

The Video Mapping Festival takes place in Péronne on the occasion of the European Heritage Days, in collaboration with the Historial.
Monument, immersive or object video mapping… 8 stops to discover the different forms of video mapping: a creation on the facade of the City Hall and a 7-step mapping tour at the Historial of the Great War, which will take you from the facade of the castle to the moats, via the inner courtyard, the Salle des Fours and some video mapping on objects from the collections.

► Allegory of tensions
A translation of the rising tensions and international alliances of the pre-war period through a graphic and abstract experience playing with the volumes of the statue.

Visual design: Sylvain POUILLART
Original music: Aleksi AUBRY-CARLSON

Mapping created as part of the video mapping tour organised by Rencontres Audiovisuelles, in collaboration with the Historial of the Great War.
With the support of the Union européenne (FEADER – LEADER), the Région Hauts-de-France, PETR Cœur des Hauts-de-France, the Drac Hauts-de-France, the city of Péronne and Gazelec.

More info: videomappingfestival.com
Facebook : Video Mapping Festival



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