Artists : Gaël DEWAS, Clément GOFFINET, Patrick GRANDI, Frédéric HAUDEGOND, Cyril LE LEVREUR, Simon LEBON, Thomas LOPEZ, Duc-Thuan NGUYEN, Arthur VALTER
Location : Aramont Castle
City / Country : Verberie, France
Production background : Production as part of the Video Mapping Festival 2018
Production : Rencontres Audiovisuelles / Loom Prod
Production year : 2018
Screening date : 11th of July 2018
Type : Monument video mapping / Outdoor / Frontal / Generative / Ephemeral

Video mapping created by Loom Prod, as part of the Video Mapping Festival #1 and the Festival des Forêts.

When classical music and video mapping meet in a sumptuous place… A monument video mapping on the facade of the Castle goes along with the second part of the Karol Beffa and the Ensemble Contraste concert, who revisits the classical major themes in bossa or jazz versions.

Media referent: Rémi SOYEZ
Visual design: Gaël DEWAS, Clément GOFFINET, Patrick GRANDI, Frédéric HAUDEGOND, Cyril LE LEVREUR, Simon LEBON, Thomas LOPEZ, Duc-Thuan NGUYEN, Arthur VALTER
Artistic coordination: Ludovic BURCZYKOWSKI

Karol Beffa and the Ensemble Contraste concert

Arnaud Thorette, alto
Vincent Lê Quang, saxophone
Johan Farjot, keyboards

Extracts of the programme Miroir(s)
Karol Beffa: En Miroir
Karol Beffa: Chinatown
Duke Ellington: My Love, arrangement Johan Farjot

With the support of the Hauts-de-France Region, Drac Hauts-de-France and the Festival des Forêts.

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