Title : Ediacara, Formes de vies #0
Artists : Ludovic Burczykowski, with the help of Simon Lebon (Simon Simon), Marie Fromont and Faysal Boukari (Le Karibou aux Fesses Sales)
Location : L’hybride
City / Country : Lille, France
Production background : Residency as part of the Fête de l’anim’ 2013
Production : Rencontres Audiovisuelles
Production year : 2013
Screening date : 16th March 2013
Type : Installation / Indoor / Immersive / Linear / Ephemeral

During this performative installation, the spectator could experiment a total immersion in an animated film which was covering the whole main room of L’hybride.
Ediacara, Formes de vies #0 reflects the unfolding of strange animated organic forms, born of the meeting of sound waves. They grow and settle in the space, mixing virtuality and the interior architecture to give life to an animated film that leaves the screen and expands into real life.
And they sing.
And they dance.


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