Title : L’océan dans tous ses états
Artists : Amina Kaboub
Production background : Workshop held as part of the Métiers des Nouvelles Images Training Course (Youth Employment Initiative Programme / Grande École du Numérique)
Supervising artist : Samy Barras
Production : Rencontres Audiovisuelles
Production year : 2016
Screening date : 7 June 2016
Type : Object video mapping / Covering / Linear / Reproducible
Video mapping piece created as part of session 2 of the Métiers des Nouvelles Images – Youth Employment Initiative project (Video Mapping option).
Shown at L’hybride, Lille, on 7 June, 2016, during the final project presentation evening.
Watch through two portholes above and below the water. Above, a storm rages as a lighthouse struggles to fulfil its purpose, despite the onslaught of the sea. Meanwhile, underwater, a submarine explores the depths in search of a strange fish…