Resource portal on video mapping

Rencontres Audiovisuelles is launching a new tool on video mapping: Video Mapping Resources, a collaborative information portal on video mapping, in order to remedy the lack of information on video mapping.

In 2017, Rencontres Audiovisuelles launched the Video Mapping European Center, a support system for the mapping sector through research, training, support for creation (notably via residencies), production and distribution (via the Video Mapping Festival). 

Video Mapping Resources is an extension of this work and aims to contribute to the recognition of the stakeholders of the discipline (artists, producers, festivals, researchers, etc.) and to help the general public, researchers, students, local authorities, etc. to discover or to understand video mapping better.

Video Mapping Resources includes:

• Research texts
The aim of the platform is to gather a maximum of content around video mapping. 
Video Mapping Resources presents a research text in 19 chapters on the history of French mapping, as well as some portraits of French artists and producers. 
We also propose a permanent call for texts in order to feed this portal and to allow everyone to contribute. 

• A documentary web-series: Mapping Stories
Mapping Stories is a documentary web-series that approaches video mapping from different angles: portraits of artists, transversal subjects, or reports on events.
The first episode will be available on the 20th of February 2023; a new episode will then be published every month.
Mapping Stories starts with a focus on French creation, with 10 portraits of video mapping artists or producers, from the pioneers to current events.

• A database filled in by the stakeholders in the sector 
Video Mapping Resources offers a database intended to list international structures and projects: video mapping recordings, directory of organizations and professionals in the field, documentation related to video mapping.
Video mapping professionals (artists, producers, festivals, technical service providers, etc.) are invited to contribute to the database by creating a file for their organization and adding their works or content related to video mapping.

• Tutorials
The first tutorial gathers the elements to be considered by a client for the setup of video mapping projects.

The Video Mapping Resources platform is developed with the support of the DRAC Hauts-de-France and the European Union – ERDF programme (Europe is committed to Hauts-de-France with the European Regional Development Fund).


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