Title : Howest Staircase Project
Location : Howest
City / Country : Kortrijk, Belgium
Production background : Workshop within the framework of the Euranim project
Supervising artists : Ludovic Burczykowski, Dirk Lambrecht, Alexandra Mores
Production : Rencontres Audiovisuelles, Howest
Production year : 2016
Screening date : 29 January 2016
Type : Monument video mapping / Indoor / Frontal / Linear / Ephemeral

Video mapping on the staircase of the Level, created during the Euranim workshop held in Howest (Kortrijk, Belgium), in January 2016.
Over 6 days, 13 students from European schools and young professionals in animation, digital arts, graphic design and other disciplines took part in a creative challenge: to produce a video mapping performance together.
The final performance took place on 29 January 2016 (Howest Alumni Party and International Game Jam).

> Aquarium – 2D animation
Inari Halme (Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
Sonja Yrjölä (Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland)

> Merry go around
Raees Floris (Plymouth College of Art, United Kingdom)
Jessica Mehler (Plymouth College of Art, United Kingdom)

> 3D animation
Sam Robberechts (Howest, Belgium)
Robin Rodet (Howest, Belgium)

> Abstract staircase
Melinda Kádár (MOME, Hungary)

> Tetris
Mihaela Buzgan (The Animation Workshop / VIA University College, Denmark)

> Baloons
Lara Mattelart (Ésaat, France)


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