Title : Tesla Dada
Location : Tesla
City / Country : Budapest, Hungary
Production background : Workshop within the framework of the Kiskakas Festival 2016 and the Euranim project
Supervising artists : Tamás Zádor, Antal Bodoczky
Production : Rencontres Audiovisuelles, MOME Budapest
Production year : 2016
Screening date : 29 April 2016 (opening night of the Kiskakas Festival)
Type : Monument video mapping / Outdoor / Frontal / Linear / Ephemeral

On Friday 29th of April, the video mapping performances created during the 5-day-workshop was projected on the Tesla’s façade, as the opening of the Kiskakas Festival in Budapest.
The 13 participants enjoyed learning new skills and sharing working methods while they were working on Dadaïsm, to present an original performance called « Tesla Dada ».

Training staff
Tamás Zádor and Antal Bodoczky

Works produced

Dario Cavassa (Plymouth College of Art, United Kingdom)
Juli Tudisco (MOME, Hungary)
Jouko Raudasoja (Turku University of Applied Sciences, Arts Academy, Finland)
Tea Strzicic (The Animation Workshop / VIA University College, Denmark)

Krisztian Urr (Plymouth College of Art, United Kingdom)
Anna Tõkés (MOME, Hungary)
Paul-Eugène Dannaud (Supinfocom Rubika, France)
Aisha Madu (The Animation Workshop / VIA University College, Denmark)

The Carousel
Giuliano Lo Faro (MOME, Hungary)
Márton Tõkés (MOME, Hungary)
Carl Otto Moesgård Jørgensen (The Animation Workshop / VIA University College, Denmark)
Clémence Ottevaere (Supinfocom Rubika, France)
Fanni Maliniemi (Turku University of Applied Sciences, Arts Academy, Finland)

Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union


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